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Watch Parts
Valjoux 22
182 Barrel and cover - €22.50
195 Barrel arbor - €17.50
205 Center wheel - €22.50
210 Third wheel - €20.00
225 Fourth wheel, two long pivots - €25.00
260 Minuut wheel - €17.50
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €17.50
407 Clutch wheel - €17.50
410 Winding pinion - €22.50
415 Ratched wheel - €25.00
420+423 Crown wheel and crown wheel core - €17.50
425 Click - €17.50
430 Click spring - €17.50
443 Setting lever - €30.00
5443 Setting lever screw little rust - €10.00
5443 screw setting lever - €15.00
445 Setting Lever - €17.50
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €55.00
8000 Chronograph runner mount - €75.00
8020 Minute counting wheel 30 min - €32.50
8080 Coupling clutch mounted old - €75.00
8080 Coupling clutch mounted new - €50.00
8100 Sliding gear mount (30m) - €27.50
8325 Sliding gear spring - €22.50
8335 Operating lever spring - €22.50
8350 Hammer spring - €35.00
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Valjoux 23,
195 Barrel arbor - €15.00
210 Third wheel - €15.00
214 Third wheel and pinion with long pivot - €30.00
225 Fourth wheel, two long pivots height 6,25mm - €35.00
260 minute wheel with a little rust - €12.50
307 Regulator for breguet hairspring - €5.00
404 Stem male/female - €5.00
407 Clutch wheel - €12.50
410 Winding pinion - €12.50
415 Ratched wheel - €40.00
420 Crown wheel - €7.50
423 Crown wheel core - upper - €7.50
425 Click - €30.00
430 Click spring - €12.50
434 Clicking spring - €5.00
435 Yoke - €7.50
437 Rocking bar - €5.00
440 Yoke spring - €7.50
445 Setting lever spring - €15.00
445 Setting lever spring new model - €15.00
450 Setting wheel - €15.00
453 Intermediate setting wheel - €5.00
462 Minute work cock - €5.00
704 Escape wheel for lower endpiece - €5.00
705 Escape wheel - €40.00
710 Juwelled pallet fork - €40.00
711 Pallet with lower endstone - €5.00
721 Balance complete - €5.00
723 Balance staff - €5.00
728 Balance staff - €5.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €5.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
8000 Chronograph runner mount - €30.00
8020 Minute record runner (30m) - €35.00
8002/1 second heart - €30.00
8040 Minute record runner (45m) - €30.00
8060 Driving wheel - €30.00
8070 Pillar wheel - €5.00
8335 Operating lever spring - €35.00
8086 Oscillation pinion - €5.00
8100 Sliding gear mount (30m) - €22.50
8102 Sliding gear stud, little rust - €20.00
8120 Sliding gear mount (45m) - €5.00
8290 Friction spring - €15.00
8139 Operation lever - €5.00
8406 Finger depth eccentric - €25.00
8220 Hammer - mount - €35.00
8180 Fly-back lever - €40.00
8171 Chronograph cam - €5.00
8401Clutch banking eccentric - €25.00
8221 Hemmer stud - €20.00
8200 Blocking lever - €30.00
8219 Hammer - €5.00
8320 Coupling clutch spring - €30.00
8209 Blocking lever lid - €5.00
8320 new Coupling clutch spring - €5.00
8320 Clutch Spring 2e - €30.00
8350/1 New hammer spring - €35.00
8400 Clutch pivoting eccentric - €25.00
8340 Fly-back lever spring - €5.00
8345 Lock spring - €35.00
8355 Columm wheel jumper , 2 functions - €35.00
58350 screw new hammer spring - €10.00
58070 Screw pillar Wheel - €10.00
5425 screw Click - €10.00
8350/1 new Hammer spring - €10.00
58270 screw for minute counter jumper - €10.00
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Valjoux 72
206 Center wheel drilled without pinion - €25.00
8020 Minute record runner (30m) - €35.00
8335 Operating lever spring - €5.00
8340 Fly-back lever spring - €5.00
8350 Hammer spring - €5.00
8610 Conveyor - €10.00
8660 Switch detent for hour hammer - €5.00
8345 Lock spring - €10.00
8791 Conveyer banking eccentric - €15.00
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Valjoux 7730, ETA 7730
206 Center wheel drilled without pinion - €40.00
245 Cannon pinion for sweep second wheel - €10.00
255 Hour wheel Height 1.55mm - €6.00
705 Escape wheel - €17.50
728 Balance staff - €12.50
8000 Chronograph runner mount - €35.00
8020 Minute record runner (30m) - €45.00
8040 Minute record runner (45m) - €40.00
8060 Driving wheel - €40.00
8100 Sliding gear mount (30m) - €22.50
8120 Sliding gear mount (45m) - €40.00
8140 Operation lever - mount - €47.50
8180 Fly-back lever - €47.50
8281 Chrono plate - €75.00
8335 Operating lever spring - €25.00
5425 Screw Klinke - €7.50
58080 Screw Coupling clutch - €7.50
58140 Screw operation lever - €7.50
58180 Screw Fly-back lever - €7.50
58220 Screw Hammer - €7.50
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Valjoux 7733, ETA 7733
206 Center wheel drilled without pinion - €27.50
210 Third wheel - €35.00
225 Fourth Wheel with two extended Pivots height 601mm - €25.00
245 Cannon pinion height 400 - €20.00
255 hour wheel Height 2,95mm - €22.50
260 Minute wheel - €12.50
307 Regulator for breguet hairspring - €12.50
435 Yoke - €12.50
443 Setting lever - €12.50
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
453 Intermediate setting wheel - €5.00
705 Escape wheel - €35.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Mainspring 1,60x 0,14 x 400 x 12 - €15.00
8000 Chronograph runner mount - €32.50
8040 Minute record runner (45m) - €40.00
8060 Driving wheel - €40.00
8080 Coupling clutch - mount - €50.00
8100 Sliding gear mount (30m) - €35.00
8120 Sliding gear mount (45m) - €37.50
8140 Operation lever - mount - €35.00
8180 Fly-back lever - €25.00
8200 Blocking lever - €15.00
8209 Blocking lever lid - €13.50
8220 Hammer - mount - €17.50
8270 Min.-recording jumper - €17.50
8290 Friction spring - €10.00
8320 Coupling clutch spring - €7.50
8335 Operating lever spring - €7.50
8356 Hammer Cam Jumper - €12.50
8400 Eccentric For Pivoting Of Coupling Clutch - €75.00
8500 Chronograph Bridge - €75.00
8345 Blocking lever spring - €12.50
8401 Banking eccentric for coupling clutch - €7.50
8406 Finger-depth eccentric - €7.50
8407 Eccentric for minute-recording jumper - €7.50
5110 Screw train wheel bridge - €7.50
58080 Screw coupling clutch - €7.50
58100 Screw sliding gear - €7.50
58140 Screw Operation lever - €7.50
58220Screw Hammer - €7.50
58270 Screw minute-recording jumper - €7.50
58500 Screw Chronograph bridge - €7.50
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Valjoux 7734, ETA 7734
245 Cannon pinion height 3,20 mm - €30.00
8000 Chronograph runner mount - €37.50
8020 Minute-recording runner 30m - €50.00
8040 Minute record runner (45m) - €50.00
2556/1 Date disk driving wheel - €20.00
2557/1 Date disk by 6 - €40.00
2558 Double-toothing hour wheel - €40.00
2575 Date jumper spring - €12.50
2576 date jumper - €12.50
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ETA 7750, Valjoux 7750, Longines 683.2, Longines 674.2.
movement complete new. - €350.00
125 Pallet Bridge - €8.50
Dial fastener - €8.50
145 Dial support - €8.50
161 Centre tube - €8.50
166 Casing Clamp - €8.50
182 Barrel. Drum and cover - €25.00
195 Barrel Arbor - €15.00
201/1 Great Wheel - €8.50
210 Third Wheel - €8.50
224 Second Wheel - €8.50
240 Driver cannon pinion - €8.50
243 Free cannon pinion - €8.50
260 Minute Wheel - €8.50
303/5 Two piece regulator - €8.50
358 Regulator corrector. - €8.50
375 Stud support - €8.50
401 Winding Stem 1.20 - €5.00
401 Winding stem 0.90 - €5.00
407 Sliding pinion - €8.50
410 Winding pinion - €8.50
415 Ratchet Wheel - €8.50
420 Crown Wheel - €8.50
423 Crown Wheel core - €8.50
434 Clicking spring - €8.50
435 Yoke - €8.50
437 Rocking Bar - €8.50
440 Yoke Spring - €8.50
443/1 Setting Lever - €8.50
445 Setting lever jumper - €8.50
450 Setting Wheel - €8.50
453 ntermediate setting Wheel - €8.50
705 Escape Wheel - €15.00
710 Pallet Fork - €25.00
714 Pallet Staff - €8.50
721 Balance complete - €47.50
728 Balance staff - €8.50
730 Double Roller - €8.50
1143 Oscillating Weight nickel plated with ball bearing - €80.00
51143 Screw Oscillating Weight - €5.00
1428 Stop click - €8.50
1481 Reduction wheel - €8.50
1482 Rachet wheel driving wheel - €8.50
1488 Reversing wheel - €12.50
1491 Oscalating weight bolt - €8.50
1497 Ball bearing - €17.50
2556 and 2560 Date indicator driving wheel - €9.00
2557 Date Star with dial disk black with white blackground - €10.00
2561 Day dial German - €10.00
2561/1 Day indicator wheel by 3, English - €10.00
2566 Date corrector - €8.50
2569 Double corrector - €7.00
2571 Day corrector spring - €8.50
2573 Day jumper spring - €8.50
2576 Date jumper - €8.50
2577 Day jumper - €8.50
2595 date jumper maintaining plate - €8.50
2611 Jumper Spring - €1.50
8000 Chronograph wheel 60s-30 min - €20.00
8020 Minute counting wheel 30 min - €22.50
8062 Minute couter driving wheel 30 min - €8.50
8079 Clutch 60s. 2 functions - €8.50
8086 Oscillation pinion 60s - €8.50
8140 Operation lever. 2 functions - €12.50
8171 Chronograph cam - €8.50
8200 Lock. 2 functions - €8.50
8220 Hammer. 2 functions - €8.50
8270 Minute counter jumper - €12.50
8290 Chronograph wheel friction - €8.50
8320 Clutch spring. 2 functions - €8.50
8335 operation lever spring. 2 functions - €8.50
8350 Hammer spring, 2 functions - €5.00
8356 Hammer cam jumper - €8.50
8401 Cluth banking eccentric - €8.50
8407 Minute counter jumper eccentric - €15.00
8500 Chronograph bridge - €8.50
8600 Hour-counting wheel - €17.50
8660 Switch - €8.50
8670 Hour hammer operation lever - €8.50
8680 Hour hammer - €8.50
8690 hour counter lock - €8.50
8730 Hour hammer spring - €8.50
9433 Stop lever - €8.50
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Valjoux 7753, ETA 7753
8020 Minute counting wheel 30 min - €22.50
8042 Minute counter intermediate wheel - €10.00
8600 Hour-counting wheel - €30.00
474587 = 35.020.00 Addional Minute Counting Wheel - €25.00
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ETA 7765, Valjoux 7765
195 Barrel Arbor - €15.00
453 ntermediate setting Wheel - €10.00
2576 Date jumper - €20.00
770 Mainspring non Automatic - €17.50
2765 Date corrector yoke - €10.00
2798 Coorector maintaining small plate - €8.50
8000 Chronograph wheel 60s-30 min - €17.50
8020 Minute counting wheel 30 min - €12.50
2632 Date unlocking Yoke - €15.00
2557/1 Date indicator ring, black on white background - €35.00
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