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mainspring by size
T-End mainspring by size
Watch Parts
Certina, Kurth, KFG
Certina 12-10, Kurth 12.10, K.F.G. 12-10
172 Minute wheel stud - €15.00
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €22.50
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €45.00
210 Third wheel - €17.50
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €17.50
240 Cannon pinion height 2.06 mm. - €16.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.66 mm. - €16.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.93 mm. - €16.00
250 Hour wheel height 1.43 mm. - €16.00
250 Hour wheel height 1.73 mm. - €16.00
250 Hour wheel height 2.00 mm. - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €17.50
300 Regulator pointer - €15.00
364 Stud holder - €22.50
401 Stem - €12.50
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €22.50
420 Crown wheel - €17.50
425 Click - €16.00
430 Click spring - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
440 Yoke spring - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €16.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
445 Setting lever spring - €22.50
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
703 Escape wheel - €50.00
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €52.50
721 Balance complete - €78.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €35.00
771 Mainspring 1,4x0,06x5.5 - €15.00
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Certina 13-20, Kurth 13.20, K.F.G. 13-20
172 Minute Wheel Stud - €7.50
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €35.00
210 Third wheel - €35.00
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €16.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.95 mm. - €16.00
240 Cannon pinion height 3.15mm. - €16.00
250 Hour wheel height 1.12 mm. - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €17.50
300/2 Regulator Pointer - €25.00
358 Adjuster for regulator - €25.00
401 Stem - €10.00
404 Stem male/female - €15.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
430 Click spring - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €20.00
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €13.00
771 Main spring - €12.50
Shock system complete upper - €20.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
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Certina 13-22, Kurth 13-22, K.F.G. 13-22
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €25.00
401 Stem - €4.50
705 Escape wheel - €50.00
721 Balance complete - €25.00
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Certina 13-10, Kurth 13.10, K.F.G. 13-10
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €16.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €40.00
210 Third wheel - €16.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.05 mm. - €18.50
240 Cannon pinion height 2.35 mm. - €18.50
240 Cannon pinion height 2.7 mm - €18.50
250 Hour wheel height 1.72 mm. - €16.00
250 Hour wheel height 2.22 mm. - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €16.00
401 stem - €10.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €20.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
440 Yoke spring - €16.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
721 Balance complete - €75.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Main spring - €12.50
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Certina 13-11, Kurth 13.11, K.F.G. 13-11
210 Third wheel - €25.00
703 Escape wheel - €75.00
771 Mainspring 1,4x0,06x5,5 - €12.50
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Certina 13-50, Kurth 13.50, K.F.G. 13-50
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €35.00
250 Hour wheel - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €16.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €16.00
401 Stem - €12.50
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
425 Click - €16.00
445 Setting lever spring - €30.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
721 Balance complete - €105.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €25.00
771 Main spring - €12.50
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Certina 13-51, Kurth 13.51, K.F.G. 13-51
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €15.00
401 Stem - €4.50
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Certina 17-36, Kurth 17.36, K.F.G. 17-36
410 Winding pinion - €17.50
771 Main spring - €12.50
180 Barrel with arbor - €40.00
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Certina 15-10, Kurth 15.10, K.F.G. 15-10
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €35.00
210 Third wheel - €16.00
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €25.00
300 Regulator pointer - €25.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €16.00
364 Stud holder - €16.00
401 Stem - €10.00
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
440 Yoke spring - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €16.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
703 Escape wheel - €75.00
771 Mainspring 1,5x0,075x7 - €10.00
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Certina 15-20, Kurth 15.20, K.F.G. 15-20
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €25.00
250 Hour wheel - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €16.00
401 Stem - €12.50
404 Stem male/female - €16.00
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €20.00
422 Crown wheel ring - €16.00
430 Click spring - €16.00
440 Yoke spring - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €16.00
445 Setting lever spring - €15.00
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €75.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
1482 Driving gear - €20.00
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Certina 15-21, Kurth 15.21, K.F.G. 15-21
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €25.00
705 Escape wheel - €75.00
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Certina 17-021, Kurth 17.021, K.F.G. 17-021
440 Yoke spring - €5.00
2633 Date unlocking yoke spring - €5.00
2638 Lever slide spring - €5.00
445 Setting lever spring - €5.00
2742 Corrector mechanism - €5.00
453 Intermediate setting wheel - €5.00
2765 Date corrector yoke - €5.00
462 Minute work cock - €5.00
2780 Date indicator spring clip - €5.00
704 Escape wheel for lower endpiece - €5.00
2783 Instantaneous unlocking mechanism - €5.00
705 Escape wheel - €5.00
2784 Double jumper - €5.00
710 Juwelled pallet fork - €5.00
2790 Calendar finger - €5.00
711 Pallet with lower endstone - €5.00
721 Balance complete - €5.00
723 Balance staff - €5.00
728 Balance staff - €5.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €5.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
790 Pin escape wheel - €5.00
792 Balace staff - €5.00
797 Pin pallet fork for plateau/roller - €5.00
798 Finger - €5.00
800 Pin pallet fork for finger - €5.00
1143 Oscillating weight - €5.00
1155 Lower cock for reduction gear - €5.00
1423 Intermediate driving wheel or ratchet wheel - €5.00
1428 Stop click - €5.00
1446 Ratchet wheel lower - €5.00
1453 Double function automatic spring - €5.00
1471 Stop pinion - €5.00
1478 Oscillating weight wheel - €5.00
1480 Winding-up wheel - €5.00
1482 Driving gear - mounted - €5.00
1483 Ratchet crown wheel driver - €5.00
1485 Reverser - monted - €5.00
1488 Pawl winding wheel - complete - €5.00
1489 Pawl winding wheel - automatic - €5.00
1491 Oscillating weight bolt - €5.00
1496 Oscillator weight axe - €5.00
1498 Bearing wheel for oscillator weight - €5.00
1499 Reverser connecting wheel - €5.00
1500 Wig-wag pinion - €5.00
1509 Wig-wag pinion spring - €5.00
1530 Coupling clutch - mount - €5.00
1535 Reversing wheel - €5.00
1555 Winding wheel bolt - €5.00
443 setting lever - €5.00
5443 screw setting lever - €5.00
1130 Automatic Device modul - €5.00
105 Barrel bridge - €5.00
118 Bridge - €5.00
121 Balance cock - €5.00
125 Pallet cock - €5.00
126 Centre wheel cock - €5.00
352 Bearing plate - €5.00
364 Stud holder - €5.00
450 Setting wheel - €5.00
703 Escape wheel - €5.00
1142 Automatic device upper bridge - €5.00
1416 Ratchet wheel - €5.00
1481 Automatic reduction wheel - €5.00
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €5.00
195 Barrel arbor - €5.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €5.00
201 Center wheel without cannon pinion - €5.00
203 Center wheel and pinion intermediate - €5.00
2557/1 Date star with dial disk - €75.00
206 Center wheel drilled without pinion - €5.00
2561/1 Day star with dial disk - €5.00
210 Third wheel - €5.00
2529 Lid for date jumper spring - €5.00
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €5.00
2535 Date indicator maintaining plate - €5.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €5.00
2536 Addition indicator maintaining small plate - €5.00
227 Sweep second wheel - €5.00
2539 Date corrector operating lever - €5.00
240 Cannon pinion - €5.00
2542 Date setting wheel - €5.00
245 Cannon pinion for sweep second wheel - €5.00
2543 Intermediate date wheel - €5.00
250 Hour wheel - €5.00
2544 Date corrector pinion - €5.00
260 Minute wheel - €5.00
2555 Calendar driving wheel - €5.00
275 Sweep second pinion - €5.00
2556 Date star driving wheel - €5.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €5.00
2557 Date star - €5.00
307 Regulator for breguet hairspring - €5.00
2558 Double-toothed hour wheel - €5.00
401 Stem - €4.50
2560 Day star driving wheel - €5.00
404 Stem male/female - €5.00
2566 Date corrector - €5.00
407 Clutch wheel - €5.00
2567 Day corrector - €5.00
410 Winding pinion - €5.00
2568 Month corrector - €5.00
415 Ratched wheel - €5.00
2569 Double corrector - €5.00
420 Crown wheel - €5.00
2571 Day corrector spring - €5.00
422 Crown wheel ring - €5.00
2573 Day jumper spring - €5.00
423 Crown wheel core - upper - €5.00
2575 Date jumper spring - €5.00
425 Click - €5.00
2576 Date jumper - €5.00
430 Click spring - €5.00
2577 Day jumper - €5.00
434 Clicking spring - €5.00
2595 Date jumper maintaining plate - €5.00
435 Yoke - €5.00
2611 Jumper spring - €5.00
437 Rocking bar - €5.00
2632 Date unlocking yoke - €5.00
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Certina 17-10, Kurth 17.10, K.F.G. 17-10
110 Train wheel bridge - €75.00
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
210 Third wheel - €16.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €16.00
364 Stud holder - €16.00
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
440 Yoke spring - €16.00
445 Setting lever spring - €13.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €16.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
771 Mainspring 1,6x0,065x6 - €10.00
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Certina 17-12, Kurth 17.12, K.F.G. 17-12
703 Escape wheel - €15.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €10.00
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Certina 17-221, Kurth 17.221, K.F.G. 17-221
240 Cannon pinion height 1.8 mm. - €20.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.3 mm. - €20.00
1143 Oscillating weight - €100.00
2558 Double-toothed hour wheel - €25.00
2576 Date jumper - €15.00
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Certina 17-25, Kurth 17.25, K.F.G. 17-25
110 Train wheel bridge - €75.00
126 Centre wheel cock - €60.00
195 Barrel arbor - €18.00
205 Center wheel with cannon pinion drilled - €45.00
210 Third wheel - €25.00
227 Sweep second wheel - €25.00
260 Minute wheel - €16.00
401 Stem - €12.50
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €16.00
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
462 Minute work cock - €16.00
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €65.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
771 Mainspring 1,20x0,07x8 - €10.00
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Certina 17-251, Kurth 17.251, K.F.G. 17-251
227 Sweep second wheel - €30.00
2558 Double-toothed hour wheel - €30.00
404 Stem male/female - €17.50
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Certina 17-351, Kurth 17.351, K.F.G. 17-351
203 Center wheel and pinion intermediate - €25.00
242 Cannon pinion with driving wheel - €25.00
260 Minute wheel - €15.00
401 Stem - €12.50
430 Click spring - €15.00
435 Yoke - €15.00
440 Yoke spring - €15.00
443 setting lever - €15.00
445 Setting lever spring - €20.00
710 Juwelled pallet fork - €75.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
1143 Oscillating weight - €100.00
1480 Winding-up wheel - €20.00
1481 Driving gear - €20.00
2576 Date jumper - €25.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
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Certina 19-10, Kurth 19.10, K.F.G. 19-10
195 Barrel arbor - €18.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €30.00
210 Third wheel - €16.00
260 Minute wheel - €15.00
401 Stem - €10.00
407 Clutch wheel - €7.50
410 Winding pinion - €15.00
425 Click - €15.00
445 Setting lever spring - €15.00
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €35.00
443 Setting lever - €16.50
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
771 mainspring 1.6x0.065x7 - €10.00
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Certina 19-25, Kurth 19.25, K.F.G. 19-25
195 Barrel arbor - €15.00
227 Sweep second wheel - €16.00
401 Stem - €12.50
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
430 Click spring - €16.00
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
462 Minute work cock - €16.00
721 Balance complete - €25.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Mainspring 1,4x0,08x7,5 - €10.00
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Certina 19-30, Kurth 19.30, K.F.G. 19-30
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €25.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €27.50
250 Hour wheel - €15.00
401 stem - €12.50
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
430 Click spring - €7.50
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €25.00
771 Mainspring 1,6x0,08x7 - €12.50
721 Balance complete - €110.00
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Certina 19-35, Kurth 19.35, K.F.G. 19-35
401 Stem - €4.50
462 Minute work cock - €16.00
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Certina 19-45, Kurth 19.45, K.F.G. 19-45
227 Sweep second wheel - €35.00
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
1428 Stop click - €15.00
1496 Oscillator weight axe - €65.00
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Certina 19-55, Kurth 19.55, K.F.G. 19-55
227 Sweep second wheel - €35.00
771 Mainpring - €15.00
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(1 / 1)
Certina 23-20, Kurth 23.20, K.F.G. 23-20
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €25.00
300 Regulator pointer - €10.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €16.00
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
430 Click spring - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €15.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €75.00
721 Balance complete - €80.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €25.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
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Certina 23-30, Kurth 23.30, K.F.G. 23-30
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €15.00
210 Third wheel - €16.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €25.00
250 Hour wheel - €18.00
260 Minute wheel - €18.00
401 Stem - €12.50
420 Crown wheel - €18.00
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Main spring - €12.50
443 Setting lever - €20.00
771 Mainspring 1,3 x0,11x9 - €15.00
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Certina 23-35, Kurth 23.35, K.F.G. 23-35
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €45.00
195 Barrel arbor - €20.00
205 Center wheel and cannon pinion drilled height 1.92 mm. - €40.00
210 Third wheel - €20.00
245 Cannon pinion height 1.92 mm. - €20.00
245 Cannon pinion height 2.17 mm. - €20.00
250 Hour wheel height 2.00 mm. - €50.00
250 Hour wheel height 1.75 mm. - €50.00
255 Hour wheel for sweep second height 1.25 mm. - €12.50
260 Minute wheel - €15.00
404 Stem male/female - €15.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
462 Minute work cock - €16.00
702 Escape wheel - €45.00
714 Pallet staff - €15.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €20.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
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Certina 23-36, Kurth 23.36, K.F.G. 23-36
195 Barrel arbor - €25.00
250 Hour wheel - €12.50
705 Escape wheel - €55.00
723 Balance staff - €12.50
771 Mainspring 1,3x 0,105 x9 - €12.50
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Certina 25-35, Kurth 25.35, K.F.G. 25-35
205 Center wheel with cannon pinion drilled height 1.92 mm. - €35.00
300 Regulator pointer - €12.50
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €25.00
364 Stud holder - €20.00
401 stem - €12.50
415 Ratchet wheel - €20.00
420 Crown wheel - €20.00
462 Minute work cock - €16.00
479 Setting lever spring - €12.50
702 Escape wheel - €50.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Mainspring 1,3 x 0,105x10 - €12.50
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Certina 25-36, Kurth 25.36, K.F.G. 25-36
105 Barrel bridge - €40.00
126 Centre wheel cock - €45.00
705 Escape wheel - €75.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
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Certina 25-45, Kurth 25.45, K.F.G. 25-45
166 Case clamp - €7.50
166 Casing clamp - €7.50
180 Barrol with arbor - €35.00
180/2 Barrel complete - €50.00
195 Barrel arbor - €20.00
205 Center wheel with cannon pinion, drilled - €35.00
255 Hour wheel for sweep second - €25.00
300/2 Regulator Pointer - €75.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €15.00
401 Stem - €12.50
358 Adjuster for regulator - €5.00
407 Clutch wheel - €15.00
410 Winding pinion - €15.00
415 Ratched wheel - €20.00
420 Crown wheel - €18.00
425 Click - €15.00
430 Click spring - €15.00
435 Yoke - €15.00
443 setting lever - €17.50
440 Yoke spring - €15.00
5443 screw setting lever - €5.00
445 Setting lever spring - €22.50
462 Minute work cock - €15.00
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
710 Juwelled pallet fork - €55.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
723 Balance staff - €25.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €25.00
1428 Stop click - €13.00
1464 stop click cover - €15.00
1485 Reverser - monted - €45.00
1491 Oscillating weight bolt - €35.00
1496 Oscillator weight axe - €35.00
1499 Reverser connecting wheel - €15.00
1481 Reduction gear ( transmission Wheel) - €15.00
1514 Auxiliary reverser - €15.00
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Certina 25-451, Kurth 25.451, K.F.G. 25-451
227 Sweep second wheel - €45.00
245 Cannon pinion for sweep second wheel - €25.00
260 Minute wheel - €18.00
2556 Date star driving wheel - €30.00
205 Center Wheel With cannon pinion, drilled - €40.00
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Certina 25-65, Kurth 25.65, K.F.G. 25-65
166 Casing clamp - €7.50
166-3 case clamp - €7.50
166-6 Casing clamp - €7.50
166-4 Casing clamp - €7.50
180-2 Barrel complete - €50.00
205 Center wheel and cannon pinion drilled - €45.00
205 Center Wheel drilled, with cannon pinion - €45.00
210 Third wheel - €35.00
227 Sweep second wheel - €45.00
245 Cannon pinion for sweep second wheel - €18.00
250 Hour wheel - €13.50
260 Minute wheel - €18.00
300/2 Regulator Pointer - €25.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €25.00
358 Adjuster for regulator - €25.00
401 Stem - €15.00
404 Stem male/female - €20.00
410 Winding pinion - €5.00
415 Ratched wheel - €20.00
420 Crown wheel - €22.50
430 Click spring - €30.00
435 Yoke - €10.00
440 Yoke spring - €12.50
443 setting lever - €17.50
445 Setting lever spring - €35.00
462 Minute work cock - €15.00
601 Jewel for center wheel upper - €5.00
723 Balance staff - €25.00
771 Mainspring aut. 1,20 x 0,105 x 10 - €17.50
930-4 Enlargement ring - €25.00
1142 Upper Bridge for automatic device - €100.00
1481 Automatic reduction wheel - €20.00
1482 Driving gear - mounted - €20.00
1496 Oscillator weight axe - €40.00
1641 Jewel for oscillating weight - €5.00
1520 Coupling Clutch - €45.00
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Certina 25-651, Kurth25.651, K.F.G. 25-651
100 Plate - €65.00
110 Train wheel bridge - €75.00
180-2 Barrol with arbor - €55.00
205 Center wheel with cannon pinion drilled height 2.3 mm. - €42.50
260 Minute wheel - €15.00
1143 Oscillating weight - €55.00
2543 Intermediate date wheel - €25.00
2557 Date star - €75.00
2557 Date star curved - €75.00
2557/1 Date dial flat - €75.00
2575 Date jumper spring - €20.00
2576 Date jumper - €20.00
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Certina 25-652, Kurth 25.652, K.F.G. 25-652
205 Center wheel with cannon pinion - €50.00
227 Sweep second wheel - €50.00
250 Hour wheel height 2.4 mm. - €13.50
250 Hour wheel height 2.2 mm. - €13.50
260 Minute wheel - €15.00
1134 Framework for automatic device - €75.00
2543 Intermediate date wheel - €25.00
2577 Day jumper - €21.00
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Certina 25-661, Kurth 25.661, K.F.G. 25-661
105 Barrel bridge - €35.00
195 Barrel arbor - €17.50
420 Crown wheel - €25.00
440 Yoke spring - €20.00
110 Train wheel bridge - €75.00
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Certina 25-671, Kurth 25-671, K.F.G. 25-671
206 Center wheel drilled without pinion - €45.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
1143 Oscillating weight - €125.00
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Certina 25-681, Kurth 25.681, K.F.G. 25-681
206 Center wheel drilled without pinion
210 Third wheel
227 Sweep second wheel
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Certina 28-10, Kurth 28.10, K.F.G. 28-10
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €15.00
195 Barrel arbor - €15.00
210 Third wheel - €40.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €45.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.65 mm. - €15.00
240 Cannon pinion height 3.15 mm. - €1,750.00
240 Cannon pinion height 3.45mm. - €17.50
240 Cannon pinion height 3.75 mm. - €17.50
250 Hour wheel height 1.65 mm. - €17.50
260 Minute wheel - €25.00
300/2 Regulator Pointer - €17.50
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €35.00
358 Regulator corrector - €25.00
401 Stem - €12.50
404 Stem male/female - €15.00
407 Clutch wheel - €22.00
410 Winding pinion - €25.00
420 Crown wheel - €12.50
445 Setting lever spring - €20.00
450 Setting wheel - €25.00
704 Escape wheel for lower end piece - €12.50
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
771 Mainspring 1,40x 0,125x 11 - €17.50
770 mainspring original - €35.00
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Certina 28-15, Kurth 28-15, K.F.G. 28-15
364 Stud holder - €15.00
401 Stem - €15.00
404 Stem male/female - €6.00
407 Clutch wheel - €15.00
410 Winding pinion - €15.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €15.00
420 Crown wheel - €15.00
435 Yoke - €15.00
443 Setting lever - €15.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
445 Setting lever spring - €15.00
462 Minute work cock - €15.00
721 Balance complete - €40.00
771 mainspring - €15.00
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Certina 28-151, Kurth 25.151, K.F.G. 28-151
205 Center Wheel, drilled, with cannon pinion - €75.00
227 Sweep second wheel - €45.00
2556 Date star driving wheel - €100.00
2575 Date jumper spring - €10.00
2576 Date jumper - €25.00
2558 Double-toothing hour wheel height 1.76 mm. - €30.00
2558 Double-toothing hour wheel height 2.25 mm. - €30.00
2610 date star drive spring - €25.00
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Certina 28-16, Kurth 28.16, K.F.G. 28-16
227 Sweep second wheel - €22.50
705 Escape wheel - €47.50
771 Mainspring 1,40x0,125x11 - €15.00
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Certina28-161, Kurth 28.161, K.F.G. 28-161
227 Sweep second wheel
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Certina 180, Kurth 180, K.F.G 180.
401 Stem - €4.50
721 Balance complete - €45.00
771 Main spring - €12.50
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Certina 230, Kurth 230, K.F.G. 230.
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €22.00
195 Barrel arbor - €18.00
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €40.00
210 Third wheel - €17.50
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €17.50
240 Cannon pinion - €18.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.35 mm. - €20.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.75 mm. - €20.00
240 Cannon pinion height 3.25 mm. - €20.00
240 Cannon pinion height 3.75 mm. - €20.00
250 Hour wheel - €13.50
260 Minute wheel - €17.50
401 Stem - €13.50
404 Stem male/female - €6.00
407 Clutch wheel - €15.00
410 Winding pinion - €17.50
415 Ratchet wheel - €22.50
420 Crown wheel - €18.50
430 Click spring - €20.00
435 Yoke - €14.00
440 Yoke spring - €6.00
443 Setting lever - €13.50
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
445 Setting lever spring - €6.00
450 Setting wheel - €15.00
703 Escape wheel - €47.50
704 Escape wheel for lower end piece - €47.50
705 Escape wheel - €47.50
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €52.50
721 Balance complete - €105.00
723 Balance staff - €13.00
730 Plateau/Roller - €22.50
771 Main spring - €15.00
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Certina 251, Kurth 251, K.F.G. 251
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €17.50
401 Stem - €13.50
404 Stem male/female - €17.50
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €17.50
5443 screw setting lever - €12.50
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €52.50
721 Balance complete - €40.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Main spring - €12.50
771 Mainspring 1,3x0,105x8,5 - €12.50
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Certina 300, Kurth 300, K.F.G. 300
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €40.00
240 Cannon pinion height 2.5 mm. - €17.50
240 Cannon pinion height 2.7 mm. - €17.50
240 Cannon pinion height 3.0 mm. - €17.50
240 Cannon pinion height 4.0 mm. - €17.50
250 Hour wheel height 1.5 mm. - €13.50
250 Hour wheel height 1.7 mm. - €13.50
260 Minute wheel - €18.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €25.00
401 Stem - €12.50
404 Stem male/female - €12.50
443 Setting lever - €17.50
5443 screw setting lever - €4.50
450 Setting wheel - €16.00
705 Escape wheel - €47.50
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €52.50
721 Balance complete - €100.00
721.1 Balance complete shockproof - €25.00
723 Balance staff - €7.50
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Certina 320, Kurth 320, K.F.G. 320
195 Barrel arbor - €17.50
210 Third wheel - €16.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €22.50
250 Hour wheel - €12.50
401 Stem - €10.00
404 Stem male/female - €10.00
407 Clutch wheel - €15.00
410 Winding pinion - €15.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €20.00
420 Crown wheel - €17.50
425 Click - €15.00
435 Yoke - €15.00
440 Yoke spring - €20.00
443 Setting lever - €20.00
5443 screw setting lever - €12.50
445 Setting lever spring - €15.00
450 Setting wheel - €14.00
705 Escape wheel - €45.00
721 Balance complete - €80.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Mainspring 1,8x0,12x10,5 - €12.50
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Certina 324, Kurth 324, K.F.G. 324
401 Stem - €4.50
705 Escape wheel - €50.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
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Certina 330, Kurth 330, K.F.G. 330
200 Center wheel with canon pinion - €40.00
401 Stem - €10.00
443 Setting lever - €16.00
5443 screw setting lever - €7.50
445 Setting lever spring - €30.00
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €75.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
771 Mainspring 2,1x0,125x11 - €10.00
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Certina 344, Kurth 344, K.F.G. 344
401 Stem - €10.00
404 Stem male/female - €6.00
703 Escape wheel - €52.50
721 Balance complete - €100.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 mainspring 1,8x0,98x7 - €12.50
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Certina 404, Kurth 404, K.F.G. 404
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €25.00
401 Stem - €10.00
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €17.50
5443 screw setting lever - €7.50
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
703 Escape wheel - €50.00
710 Jeweled pallet fork - €75.00
721 Balance complete - €75.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
771 Mainspring 1,9x0,095x10 - €10.00
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Certina 414, Kurth 414, K.F.G. 414
182 Barrel (drum and cover) - €20.00
205 Centre wheel and cannon pinion height 2,47 mm - €40.00
195 Barrel arbor - €16.00
210 Third wheel - €25.00
220 Fourth wheel - second wheel - €17.50
260 Minute wheel - €16.00
275 Sweep second pinion - €30.00
301 Regulator for flat hairspring - €25.00
401 Stem - €4.50
404 Stem male/female - €6.00
407 Clutch wheel - €16.00
410 Winding pinion - €16.00
415 Ratchet wheel - €16.00
420 Crown wheel - €16.00
423 Crown wheel core – upper - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €12.50
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
445 Setting lever spring - €25.00
498 Friction washer - €12.50
703 Escape wheel - €50.00
705 Escape wheel - €50.00
721 Balance complete - €50.00
723 Balance staff - €10.00
771 Mainspring 1,8x0,11x9 - €10.00
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Certina 919-1, Kurth 919-1, K.F.G. 919-1
180/2 Barrel complete - €65.00
210 Third wheel - €35.00
401 Stem - €12.50
404 Stem male/female - €17.50
425 Click - €16.00
430 Click spring - €16.00
435 Yoke - €16.00
443 Setting lever - €6.00
5443 screw setting lever - €6.00
721 Balance complete - €100.00
723 Balance staff - €20.00
771 Main spring - €15.00
1481 Reduction gear - €75.00
2543 Intermediate date wheel - €55.00
2556 Date star - €75.00
2556-9 Spring for date - €10.00
5105 Screw for barrel bridge - €4.00
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Peseux 7001, ETA 7001, Longines L.395.2, Certina 396
125 Pallet cock - €15.00
195 Barrel arbor - €6.00
201 Center wheel without cannon pinion - €10.00
224 Fourth wheel long pivot - €10.00
705 Escape wheel - €12.50
723 Balance staff - €10.00
770-771 Mainspring - €15.00
Inca jewelled in setting 70 - €15.00
Inca cap-jewel upper 56 - €15.00
Inca cap-jewel lower 56 - €15.00
inca cap-jewel spring lower 48 - €15.00
Inca cap-jewel spring upper 46 - €15.00
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